Welcome to Kibira National Park authentic Guide

When to Visit

Situated in between two countries i.e the country of beautiful rolling hills-Rwanda and the DR Congo, Burundi has tropical climate which is both hot and humid annually as a result of the country being located close to the equator. The temperatures range between 20 ° C- 30 ° C with the nights being extremely cooler in some areas for example Gwegara and Nujumbura. The rainy season starts from September-November as well as February-May. The heat period however takes place between June and August and from December-January. The month of June is very ideal to visit Burundi.

If you are travelling to Burundi for chimpanzee trekking, transfer to during the two rainy seasons that take place from mid-February to early June then mid-September to mid-December. During this time, food is very abundant making it easier to spot the intelligent curious primates for they are usually eating the leaves as well as fruits. In the dry season, the chimpanzees tend to be hard to track due to the fact that food is rare so they relocate more oftenly to various places in search for food.